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Nora Carpenter

President/CEO - United Way of Treasure Valley


Nora is the "fearless leader" - as we liked to call her - of the United Way of Treasure Valley (UWTV) where I worked as a intern and temporary employee in the Community Impact department. During my time with the nonprofit, I looked up to Nora's leadership and innovation. She is truly an inspiration to me. Below is the letter of recommendation she wrote for me following my employment with UWTV.

Christine Moore

Boise State Lecturer/PRSSA Faculty Advisor


Christine was not only my professor for multiple classes at Boise State, but my public relations mentor. She taught her classes using real world experiences and examples and also served as the faculty advisor for the semesters I participated in the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). I looked up to her more than anyone I can recall throughout my PR career. She later asked me to be her Learning Assistant for her Principles of Public Relations class and I happily agree. Below is her letter of recommendation written after my graduation. 

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